Sunday, January 22, 2012

Course syllabus using new Handbook

Course Calendar The course begins the first Tuesday (only Tuesday class) January 3Th 2012 (not the first Monday January 2nd) and first Wednesday January 4th. The class ends on Wednesday March 7, 2012. Naturally, there may be a speaker change depending on their schedule changes. Class Week/Day Class Dates Class Topic: Brief learning objectives in statement or question form Assignments: Please read chapters and watch video in advance of class Week1/ Day2 Start on Tues and Weds. Jan 3 and 4th Who are you? What do you like to read? What are your volunteer passions? What communications, social science courses have you taken? What internship or summer work experience do you have? Are you interested in business, government, NGO’s, politics? What do you expect this course to be? What is PR/IMC? Compare the definition of the field of PR in the context of IMC. What are the distinct policy, strategic and tactical elements of PR? Why is it important? Why is it attacked by other professions? What are stakeholders? Read for Wednesday Jan. 4 Chapter 1 Twenty-First Century Public Relations: The Strategic Stages of Integrated Marketing Communications 3 Clarke Caywood, Ph.D., Chapter 7 The Stakeholder Concept: Empowering Public Relations 121 Clarke Caywood, Ph.D., Optional Forward—The Importance of Public Relations xix Al Golin Chairman and Founder, Golin/Harris Week2/ Mon. Jan 9 PR/IMC is a research-based management field. Your knowledge of social science research and hard science research can be useful to form unique PR questions. The new discipline of media tracking using advanced content analysis software is a competitive advantage and a strong career opportunity. Chapter 3 Communications Research: Dynamic Digital Methods 37 Clarke Caywood Optional (especially if you have taken a social science class) Chapter 2 Communications Research: Foundational Methods page 13 Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, The Gronstedt Group Clarke Caywood, 2/Wed Jan 11 Paper 1 due PR/IMC communication skills. It is hard to secure an entry or even advanced post in PR without knowing how to communicate effectively. Communications includes short and long form writing, speech-writing and speaking. It also includes being able to tell a useful story in a clear and memorable manner. Since employers report they are unimpressed with the communication skills of new graduates, this is your competitive advantage at NU Chapter 50 Writing for Your Audience Matters More than Ever775 George Harmon, Professor Emeritus, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. Chapter 51Storytelling: All Stories are True 791 Emma Caywood, MLIS, Storyteller and Storytelling Consultant Optional Read Chapter 49 Writing for the Ear: The Challenge of Effective Speechwriting 761 Lee W Huebner, Ph.D., Professor, George Washington University, and former Publisher and CEO, International Herald Tribune or, 3/Monday MLK Day No class Jan 16 No PR class, but please attend campus seminars on Martin Luther King. They will be events worth remembering. No class 3/Wed Jan 18 Paper 2 due, Class survey PR/IMC is stakeholder based. This is a key concept in PR that distinguishes it from other professions. We begin with the employee to make an important point that today the employee may be the key stakeholder. PR has become an increasingly transparent, digital and valued element in IMC. Labeled MPR, the field has built a reputation of helping promote and sell products, services, and personalities as using “free”, social or earned press. Chapter 8 The Key Stakeholders: Your Employees 131 Keith Burton, President, Insidedge Chapter 10 Marketing Public Relations: Cementing the Brand 161 Patricia T Whalen, Ph.D., APR, Optional: Chapter 9 Consumer Insight in a Digital Age 145 Geraldine Henderson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Business, Rutgers U. 4/Mon Jan 23 The investor, Wall Street and regulators are still crucial stakeholders. You don’t need a degree in finance to communicate with the buy and sell side. You do need to be willing to “reach for the numbers”. All students should read chapter 11. One-half the class should read chapter 12 and other half (to be identified) should read chapter 23. Chapter 11 Investor Relations for Shareholder Value: Communicating With the Market 173 Nancy Hobor, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, NU and Retired Senior Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations, Grainger Optional Chapters 12 Mergers and Acquisitions: Communicating Between the Lines187 Joele Frank, Founder and Managing Partner, Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher and Chapter 23 Corporate Governance: Operating as an Open Book 363 Ted McDougal, Founder and Principal, Jacobs and McDougal, and Kurt P. Stocker, Director, New York Stock Exchange Regulation, Inc. and Former Chief Communications Officer, Continental Bank 4/Wed Jan 25 Giving and working together. Donor and recipient communications. Social media are wildly crucial, but then database communications was always key. Careers in corporations giving away money are tough to find, but there are thousands of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that need your help. A career in an NGO gives you a lot of responsibility. Chapter 13 Charities and Corporate Philanthropy: Giving Back 199 John A. Koten, Founding Director of Arthur W Page Society, former Vice President, Corporate Communications, Ameritech and Chapter 18 Non-Governmental Organizations: Solving Society's Problems 389 Ray Boyer, Communication Consultant and Owner, Boyer Media and Governor Scott McCallum, CEO, Aidmatrix Foundation 5/Mon Jan 30 Paper 3 due Create Groups Government - It’s not called PR in government. Why? Some of the best communication challenges come in an organization mandated to communicate with the public. Political or government communications; is there a difference? Chapter 14 Government Public Information: Portal to the Public 215 Brent Baker, Rear Admiral (Ret.) ,Dean Emeritus, College of Communication, BU. Optional: Chapter 19 Associations: A Strong Voice 311Richard L. Hanneman, President, Salt Institute 1986-2010 MONDAY Feb 6 Media: Traditional and Newer channels are all around us in PR. The longest standing source of PR practitioners is former journalists. While journalism is not dead; some of the channels are severely threatened in the U.S. You need to combine all you know about social media and media all the time to be able to even stay in this field. Your next employee simply expects you to be an expert. Chapter 16 Digital Communities: Social Media in Action 257 Richard Edelman, President and CEO, Edelman Robert Holdheim, Managing Director for India, Mark Hass, President of Edelman China, Phil Gomes, Senior Vice President, Digital Integration,, Steve Rubel, Executive Vice President, Global Strategy and Insights Chapter 17 Global Media Relations: Traditional Through 2.0 275 Matthew P. Gonring, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Jackson National Life Insurance Company Optional, Chapter 15 Broadcast Media as Broadcast Public Relations 243 Tim Larson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Utah and Adjunct Craig Wirth WEDNES Feb 1 Two page outline from group due Issues Management and Lobbying rely on your ability to plan for the future. Unlike other professions, PR demands you examine trends in the near 3-5 years and longer term range (6-20 years) for management challenges. Working in and with government is one of the organizational dynamics. Chapter 21 Issues Management Methods for Reputational Management 335 James E. Arnold, APR, Chief Executive Officer, Arnold Consulting Group and Raymond P. Ewing, Associate Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University, and former Corporate Communications Director, Allstate Chapter 22 State and Local Government Relations: Guiding Principles 353 L. James Nelson, Public Affairs Consultant 6/Wed Feb 8 Agencies mirror the communication and behavior of corporations. PR agencies are consulting firms of communications and much more. New structures, the strong leadership in social media and the complexity of political, economic, social and global issues make agencies key to your career planning. Read 20 or 25 Chapter 20 Agencies : Managing a Global Communications Firm 323 Ray Kotcher, Chief Executive Officer, Ketchum or Chapter 25 The Chief Executive Officer: The Key Spokesperson 387 John D. Graham, Chairman, Fleishman-Hillard 7/Mon Feb 13 Paper 4 due Crisis Management This is the most visible and too often negative function in PR. Fortunately, unless you consult in the field, crisis management is a small part of your career but a large part of your plan. Chapter 26 Crisis Communications: Brand-New Channels. Same Old Static. 401 Hud Englehart, Managing Partner, Beacon Advisors Inc. and Adjunct Professor, IMC, NU 7/Wed Feb 15 PR/IMC is communications law based. PR is a communications-based field which relies on the courts to defend the freedom of speech of all communicators. Laws regulating communication channels are also important for your protection. A short history of PR will help you to not repeat the mistakes. Political advertising will be used as a contemporary and sometimes extreme example of corporate and political messaging. Chapter 4 Public Relations Law 57 Karla Gower, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Alabama Read also articles by Caywood on political advertising for 2012. Optional: Chapter 5 A Brief History of Public Relations: The Unseen Power 71 Scott M. Cutlip, Fellow, PRSA and Brent Baker, Rear Admiral (Ret.) and Dean Emeritus, School of Communication, Boston University 8/Mon Feb 20 Student Team Seminar Presentations/Discussions Student Presentations 8/Wed Feb 22 Student Team Seminar Presentations/Discussions Student Presentations 9/Mon Feb 27 Student Team Seminar Presentations/Discussions Student Presentations 9/Wed Feb 29 Student Team Seminar Presentations/Discussions Student Presentations 10/Mon Mar 5 Your 3-D virtual world. Your next employer will assume you know how to do this. It is rapidly becoming a key tactic that requires practice, practice, practice to manage. Your next meeting may be in a 3-D immersive world! Chapter 53 Immersive 3-D Virtual Worlds: Avatars at Work 825 Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D., CEO, The Gronstedt Group Chapter 55 The Future of Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications 853 Clarke Caywood, Ph.D., 10/Wed Mar 7 Take CTECS in class Good luck on your other class examinations! Stay in touch!

1 comment:

  1. The Northwestern University Transportation Center presents....

    Tuesday-May 24, 2016- 5:15 pm

    "The Role of the Media in Covering Aviation"

    Location: Kellogg Donald Jacobs Center, 2001 Sheridan Road, Evanston Room: 276

    U.S. news consumers have a near-insatiable desire for airline news. They want to know where to find deals, which airlines offer the best legroom and entertainment and what carriers are safest. But should the journalists give readers and viewers only what they crave? Or should they go beyond the headlines and offer a more complete view of the airline industry? Three panelists will discuss their thoughts on how journalists should cover U.S. airlines.
